AUBMC is proud to announce the appointment of Dr. Ali Taher as the new Director of Naef K. Basile Cancer Institute (NKBCI), effective October 1, 2017.
A graduate with the degree of Doctor of Medicine from AUB in 1986, Dr. Taher completed one-year internship (1986-1987) and two-year residency (1987-1989) in Internal Medicine at AUB. Later, he earned two-year fellowship training in Hematology/Oncology at AUB (1989-1991) and another year of fellowship training in Hematology/Oncology at the Royal Free Hospital in London, United Kingdom (1991-1992).
Dr. Taher was then granted the "Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians" (2011) in appreciation of his dedication to advancing knowledge and research, as well as being awarded a "Doctor of Philosophy Degree" (PhD) (2012) from Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). After being appointed as Consultant Hematologist in the Hemophilia and Hemostasis Unit at the Royal Free Hospital (1992-1993), Dr. Taher joined AUB in 1993 as Assistant Professor of Medicine. Since then and over the years, he has progressed up the academic ranks to become a professor in 2005.
Dr. Ali Taher is an accomplished physician and investigator. He is recognized for his clinical and research work on benign hematological disorders, especially thalassemia. He has always set an example of how fruitful research partnerships can be, by participating in studies of large collaborative networks and by creating local, regional and international scientific interest groups and associations that promote partnerships in science and dissemination of knowledge to both physicians and the community. His research earned him international recognition, won him various prestigious awards, and secured large sums of funding. Dr. Taher's publications also attest to his ability to reach out and collaborate with colleagues within his division, across the institution, and beyond AUB.
As the Founding Director of the Fellowship and Residents Research Program (FRRP) and as Impact Curriculum Module Coordinator, he has been heavily involved in medical education, not only by creating an environment that is conducive to active and engaged learning but also by mentoring and sharing knowledge with the young generation of physician-scientists. Dr. Taher's distinguished efforts led him to hold several administrative positions at AUB. Since 2011, he spearheaded as the Vice Chair for Research at the Department of Internal Medicine (2011-Present) and later the Deputy Director of NKBCI (2016-Present).
Congratulations to Dr. Taher on his new role.