During the Covid-19 pandemic, people may experience anxiety and stress and in turn affecting their mental health. Below are tips on how deal and take care of your wellbeing:
For patients:
- Keep your day structured and divide the time between hobbies and activities, exercising, and may be work.
- Physical distancing is not social distancing, keep in touch with families and friends.
- Ask for support from professionals if you feel stress, fear or anxiety.
- Think of what you want to do when you get out of the quarantine, and make some plans around it: this period will end.
For Families:
Keep in contact with the member who is quarantined daily and share with him events, daily life and activities (especially through online platforms)
Be open and supportive with the family member who was tested, and avoid blaming or isolating the person mentally and emotionally: this is not his/her fault.
Stand up against stigma caused by acquaintances or the community: you can defend your family member by proper information and communication with others.